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English version

5-02-2016, 21:16


Maxim M. Visotsky, doctor of medical science, professor, National ass. For gynecological endoscopy, Russian ass. for endoscopic surgery, ESGE member.

The author of more than 260 publications in main Russian and international journals.

Gynecological surgery dept.  Moscow state university for medicine and dentistry. Center for gynecologic & pelvic surgery in endoscopic surgery dept.

Date of Birth: 11 Nov 1964.

Languages: Russian, English written and spoken.

Education at Medical School (Russian State Medical University) - 1982-1988      

Certificates in obstetrics and gynecology, oncology.

                                               Post Graduate Positions:

Resident - 1988-1990, residency in obstetrics and gynecology dept., Moscow, Russian State Medical University, City Hospital 31.

Post-graduate - 1991-1993, obstetrics and gynecology dept, Moscow, Russian State Medical University, City Hospital 31

Professor’s Assistant - 1994-1995, obstetrics and gynecology dept, Moscow, Russian State Medical University City Hospital 4.

Senior research physician - 1995-1997, All Russian center for obstetrics and gynecology. 

Ass. Professor  - 1997-2006, Moscow state university for medicine and dentistry   City Hospital for veterans № 2.

Professor  from 2006 – present time. Gynecological surgery dept.  Moscow state university for medicine and dentistry, Center for gynecologic & pelvic surgery in endoscopic surgery dept.

Senior gynecologist, gynecologic oncologist in JSV “Medicina”, Centrosouyz hospital.

Dissertation for the degree of medical science candidate was dedicated for the usage of anti-estrogen in the therapy of endometrial pathology. Doctor of medical science degree was awarded in 2006 for the dissertation on pathogenesis and surgical treatment of ovarian tumors. The best doctorate dissertation in the university for the year of 2006. Numerous publications in main journals on the problem of ovarian cancer and radical endoscopic surgery, 14 text books for students and postgraduates.

  All types of gynecological surgery. Laparoscopic hysterectomy, lymphadenectomy,  including big sized uterus, atypical myomas, promontofixation.  Cervical stump extirpation.  Gynecological oncology surgery.

Lectures on all issues of gynecology in Russian and English.  


Fluent English.




Site: http://xn----dtbesfcc2abctoi6dyd.xn--p1ai/




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